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training calendar
DVG insights and tips
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Washington DC Area
Gebrauchshund Club
About Us
how to get involved
latest news
training calendar
DVG insights and tips
photo gallery
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our members
24.02.2016 - now this made me chuckle.
07.02.2016 - Training for the Super Bowl
15.12.2015 - how to talk or not talk dog
07.12.2015 - Meetings meetings meetings
03.12.2015 - Sometimes nothing makes it better
27.11.2015 - no hurry for snow, but
16.11.2015 - Study for that written BH test!
08.11.2015 - smart dogs
27.10.2015 - Is this how it feels?
25.10.2015 - Just get this guy a bite sleeve
24.10.2015 - Education of dogs
20.10.2015 - Who is ready for a title?
18.10.2015 - movie and a bon fire
10.10.2015 - I don't think this is what they mean.
02.10.2015 - Finicky dogs that we love to spoil
27.09.2015 - I really enjoy finding good dog humor to share with all of you
26.09.2015 - how to train a frisbee dog
23.09.2015 - need a kiss?
27.08.2015 - just because yesterday was #NationalDogDay
18.08.2015 - I like to poster, Author unknown
09.08.2015 - we have some members like this
02.08.2015 - Imagine if it were an IPO dog instead
30.07.2015 - these illustrations are so much fun
23.07.2015 - what a greeting!
21.07.2015 - stress relief
16.07.2015 - I know you aren't "that guy".
27.06.2015 - And this is why we have to train our dogs to focus.
22.06.2015 - Just 'cause I actually chuckled outloud
14.06.2015 - picky eaters
05.06.2015 - ice cream, pizza, fries
24.05.2015 - good morning
21.05.2015 - a silly little quiz
16.05.2015 - watch Flickr for upcoming album
12.05.2015 - talk about food drive
05.05.2015 - The new pup in the club
02.05.2015 - air scenting
28.04.2015 - loving the mutt
25.04.2015 - Spring mud baths
17.04.2015 - (chuckle) might need one for a spouse, too.
16.04.2015 - New blog post
14.04.2015 - end your training on a positive
11.04.2015 - why dogs aren't allowed in some parks
09.04.2015 - Oldy and goody
06.04.2015 - photos of trial dogs and pups working toward their next titles.
03.04.2015 - extra practice for trial
30.03.2015 - why didn't you think of that before we left
25.03.2015 - Must be an IPO dog
22.03.2015 - It is always heartbreaking
20.03.2015 - spring tips
13.03.2015 - spring shedding coming
04.03.2015 - Never work with dogs or children
26.02.2015 - Is this pup ready for trial?
24.02.2015 - Trial date heads up
20.02.2015 - yes, we have hardcore doberman lovers in our club.
19.02.2015 - something to do indoors
16.02.2015 - DVG newletter
15.02.2015 - Who else got cabin fever this weekend
10.02.2015 - tee hee hee
09.02.2015 - Tracking treats
04.02.2015 - Think kind thoughts for your Veterinarian
03.02.2015 - draw your own conclusion
25.01.2015 - Photos from January 25th
21.01.2015 - Mind those water bowls.
15.01.2015 - Hidden cost of IPO
14.01.2015 - who is training who?
07.01.2015 - So, you want you dog to do more nose work?
04.01.2015 - Heartworm meds
01.01.2015 - how was your New Year celebration?
31.12.2014 - Happy New Years
23.12.2014 - Happy Holidays, may your tree survive the season.
10.12.2014 - updated training schedule for December
29.11.2014 - communiction is key
29.11.2014 - December training dates
25.11.2014 - Happy Thanksgiving
19.11.2014 - Jeurgen and Rue
19.11.2014 - training schedule for November