DVG newletter 

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From: Annetta Cheek <annettacheekdogs@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 1:02 PM
Subject: News from LV DVG America - please distribute to your club members
To: dvg-club-presidents@googlegroups.com

There will be an LV DVG America FH championship in Central Florida the weekend of March 21/22. Any DVG member may enter a dog 18 months or older that has a BH. The first place dog, should it score 90 or higher, will be eligible to go to Germany for the DVG FH Championship. For more information contact Amanda Hoskinson at hainland@aol.com.

The bylaws amendments that the membership approved recently have been incorporated into the document; you can see it athttp://www.dvg-america.com/bylaws_1_15.pdf.

We have a new Membership Officer, Christine Leitzau. She takes over from Ann Thomas, who has served in this position for many years. This is probably the toughest job in the LV, so we really appreciate Chris’ willingness to take it on. She’ll be helping you with renewals next fall, and with new members and other membership issues all year. Contact her at momentumm5@comcast.net

I want to thank Ann for her years of service in this position. I know many of you have benefited from her help. Membership Officer is pretty much a thankless task.  Ann is also stepping down from the position of Western KG president. The LV could not exist without the dedication and service of volunteers like Ann.

Melissa Hepler volunteered to take on the task of helping newly forming clubs. Fortunately, we may need this person this year; we’ve had inquiries from several different groups interested in forming DVG clubs. So if anyone asks you about this process, please refer them to Melissa at    jmhepler@comcast.net.

The AWDF championship this year is April 9-12 in Farmington, Missouri. There’s not much information up yet. Checkhttp://www.awdf.net/ periodically for updated information. Any breed can participate, but only FCI-recognized breeds would be able to represent AWDF at the FCI Championship. Once again we’ll be donating a trophy for High Scoring DVG Member. To earn this trophy, you must enter the championship through DVG. Please make it clear to your members that if they enter through their breed club, they are not eligible for this trophy, even though they are DVG members. Send inquiries about participating through DVG and entering to Anne Conroy ataconroy579@yahoo.com. We don’t have any information about the closing date yet, but anyone who is interested should let Anne know.

We have put in many hours migrating membership data to the new, on-line system, Wild Apricot. In a week or so I’ll probably send you an email just about that new system, so I won’t discuss too many details here. We are using it for the first time to pull the mailing list for the magazine. So if any of your members have a problem getting their next magazine, please let me know right away. Also, I’ve been asked several times who can view this data. Only the individual member can view his or her own data, plus of course the LV DVG America Membership Officer.

If you have any questions about these or other issues, contact me at annettacheekdogs@gmail.com.

Annetta Cheek


LV DVG America

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Kommentare: 1
  • #1

    k9wagdc (Montag, 16 Februar 2015 11:31)

    I am not sure if all the links work. the DVG pdf link failed when I tried it earlier. Hopefully they will fix this soon.